Konfuziusinstitute Nachrichten
“The Development of African Studies in China”
06.06.2014, Frankfurt

we are delighted to announce the continuation of the lecture series Africa’s Chinese Options – Perceptions, Culture and Politics organized by the Konfuzius-Institut Frankfurt in cooperation with AFRASO research project “Africa’s Asian Options at Frankfurt University (IZO, ZIAF)” and and would like to draw your attention to the following upcoming lectures:

12. Juni 2014, 18 Uhr, Konfuzius-Institut Frankfurt: “The Development of African Studies in China” - Prof. LI Anshan (Center for African Studies at Peking University)

The lecture will cover African studies in China from the ancient time to present. It will divide into five periods: 1. Sensing Africa (-1949); 2. Supporting Africa (1949-1965); 3. Understanding Africa (1966-1976) and 4. Studying Africa(1977-). LI Anshan will discuss the linkage between politics and academia in African studies and illustrate the present situation about China-African cooperation and exchange in the field of education.

17. Juli 2014, 18 Uhr, Konfuzius-Institut Frankfurt: “Africans in China: Memory, Identity and Social Relations” - Dr. John Njenga Karugia (AFRASO, Goethe-University Frankfurt)

Thousands of Africans are involved in all manner of activities from traders, teachers to university students in Chinese cities and villages. While their population has increased exponentially, African presence in China is not a new phenomenon. This presentation will discuss memories of journeys made by Africans to China across the Indian Ocean from the 1950s to the present. Additionally, contemporary social relations amongst Chinese and African migrants in China will be analyzed. Focus will be placed on how issues related to identity manifest themselves in these new sociocultural and economic and sometimes cosmopolitan spaces as adaptation and integration take shape.

For further information please click hier.

The lectures will be held in English and take place at the Konfuzius-Institut Frankfurt, Dantestr. 9 – 1st floor, 60325 Frankfurt

Expense: € 5,-- / € 3,--

There will be a reception after the lectures

We kindly ask for registration in advance.
